
EFC Speaker Series: Cellular Agriculture

23 February 2023 / Registration Closed

The field of cellular agriculture is based on the idea that cells—not organisms—should power agriculture. It is a simple idea with profound promise for animal welfare, biodiversity, and climate. Demand for animal products and economic development are closely linked, making it likely that animal agriculture’s global footprint will only continue to grow. The world needs a protein transition to accompany the carbon transition. Growing animal products without raising animals just might save the planet!

Join us for a conversation with some of the experts leading Canada’s protein transition. The session began with introductory remarks from Geoff Burt from the Consecon Foundation, and then we head from our outstanding panelists:

  1. Isha Datar, Executive Director at New Harvest
  2. Lejjy Gafour, CEO at CULT Food Science
  3. Dr. Cameron Semper, Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Calgary