COMPLAINT POLICY Context Environment Funders Canada (EFC) is committed to an open and accessible environment and tocontinuous improvement. Our Complaint Policy is one of several tools to receive valuable feedback from our members, partners,volunteers and program participants, henceforth referred to as ‘client’. This information may be provided by email, text, or verbally. Verbal complaints will be documented using our complaints form.Change and growth will only serve to benefit our organization now and in the future. In the event that a complaint involves any element relating to discrimination, violence, or harassment,as necessary, the authorities will be contacted, and an EFC‐led investigation will take place. Violent or Harassing Behaviour Environment Funders Canada strives to create a safe and positive environment for anyone who entersour physical or virtual spaces. Derogatory, hostile, or violent conduct has no place in any workplace, or location that provides servicesand is illegal. EFC strictly prohibits discrimination, harassment, and violence and has zero tolerance forthis behaviour. If at any point you are nervous that a situation is escalating to violence, please remove yourself as muchas you can and call for help. Call the police when you feel that violence may be close. EFC does notcondone any violent behaviour on its premises, either toward an employee or by an employee. Complaint Form In the event that there is a conflict between a client and an employee, or between two clients related toEFC business which needs to be mediated, clients may complete a Complaint Form and submit it to theExecutive Director via email at If the complaint is with the Executive Director, the complaint may instead be submitted to EFC’s BoardChair at may also call 647.288.8891 to make a complaint or mail it to: Environment Funders Canada℅ Foundation House2 St. Clair Ave East, Suite 300Toronto, ON M4T 2T5 EFC will strive to ensure that all complaints are resolved in a timely and unbiased manner. Complaint Resolution Once a complaint is received, the following will be considered: The level of seriousness or urgency of the complaint Whether the complaint raises immediate concerns regarding the health, safety, or wellbeing of another person The harm (if mentioned) being done to the person making the complaint The potential necessity of third party involvement In certain circumstances, the person making the complaint will be requested to clarify or provideadditional details to those investigating the complaint so that a full picture can be created.EFC will appoint two investigators from its Board and staff complement who will keep the personmaking the complaint up to date on progress and will inform them once the investigation is completeand, where revealing the outcome does not infringe on the confidentiality of any other party involved,will inform them of follow up action to the complaint. Record Keeping All complaints will be recorded and kept on file indefinitely or until it is determined by EFC’s ExecutiveDirector that they no longer need to be kept on file. However, these records will be maintained asconfidential, in line with personal information retention guidelines.Records to be kept will include: The complaint itself The investigation, including any statements, recordings, etc. The results of the complaint This could take the form of a report outlining next steps and actions The outcome of discussions with the parties involved Any outstanding actions that need to be followed up APPROVED BY EFC’S BOARD OF DIRECTORS ON: April 25, 2023