
EFC Speaker Series – Making Connections: A Conversation among Complementary Collaboratives

24 October 2022 / Registration Closed

Environment Funders Canada’s Oceans Collaborative (OC) brought together funders with a shared interest in restoring and protecting healthy, productive oceans and coasts across Canada, and a recognition that Indigenous and community-rooted leadership is fundamental to reaching this goal. The OC is aware that there are several collaboratives doing complementary work to ours but that we have had limited opportunities to connect with one another. This was an opportunity for us, along with our respective broader memberships, to come together in shared space to learn about the goals, approaches, challenges and successes of each collaborative and to explore opportunities to work more closely together. As a first step in doing so, the OC hosted a fireside chat that brought together a number of collaboratives whose focus may be different, but whose work intersects with efforts to advance and support Indigenous-led, community-based conservation.

Moderated by Meaghan Calcari Campbell, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and Chair of the OC, this discussion brought together:
Arctic Funders Collaborative – Liz Liske, Director
Indigenous Peoples Resilience Fund – Wanda Brascoupe, Co-Principle
NWT On the Land Collaborative – Steve Ellis
Oceans Collaborative – Darcy Dobell, Program Consultant
Rights Relations Collaborative – Jess Housty, Co-Lead
Target 1 Funders Collaborative – Peter Kendall