
EFC Speaker Series – Talking to Albertans

30 May 2022 / Registration Closed

Alberta’s 2023 provincial election is a key moment to shift the narrative and secure support for climate leadership and Canada’s energy transition. Join us in conversation with some of Canada’s top campaign strategists as they unpack their independent but coordinated initiatives to help activate the hearts and minds of Albertans in support of this transition. By investing resources into communications, grassroots organizing, and digital campaigning in key communities, they aim to mobilize thousands of Albertans to prioritize progressive issues (including climate leadership) at the ballot box and accelerate long-term cultural change.

Panelists include:

• Amber Bennett, Canadian Associate, Climate Outreach
• Natalie Odd, Executive Director, Alberta Environmental Network
• Aaron Myran, Executive Director, Future Majority
• Will Horter, Executive Director, Salal Foundation